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Recently, Liaoning Vocational College of Light Industry organized a special meeting on cafeteria safety to further promote school cafeteria safety work, strengthen the supervision and management of cafeteria work, improve the professional level of employees, put an end to school food safety accidents, and effectively maintain the health and life safety of teachers and staff。Deputy Party Secretary and President Duan Shubin attended the meeting, Vice President He Ziqian presided over the meeting。

The meeting conducted relevant work deployment on how to tighten the responsibility of food safety, improve the level of food safety management, and fully protect the food safety of teachers and students。Duan Shubin stressed that the school food safety responsibility is heavier than Taishan, to strictly implement the "four strictest" requirements of food safety, we must ensure that there are zero mistakes in food supervision and zero food safety accidents。The first is toFurther compacting principal responsibilityStrictly implement the campus food safety work system, formulate the food safety risk list, and strictly implement the "daily control, weekly investigation, and monthly scheduling".。Constantly improve and improve the food safety management system and responsibility system to ensure that personnel at all levels have clear responsibilities。The second is toFurther standardize the management of canteens。Strictly implement the management regulations on food certificates and tickets, food samples, strengthen the training of canteen employees, implement the requirements of "Internet + bright kitchen bright stove", and improve information management。三是Raise awareness of pest controlRegularly check whether indoor and outdoor are equipped with three prevention facilities, and resolutely do a good job of pest control。Fourth, strengthen canteen fire safetyEstablish a fire safety responsibility system, clarify the responsibility of the responsible person for fire safety, and regularly carry out publicity and training on fire knowledge。

He Ziqian put forward higher requirements for canteen staff's dress, personal hygiene and canteen environmental hygiene to ensure that there can be no expired and spoiled food, but also proposed to increase the variety of food supply, so that teachers and staff not only "eat full" but also "eat well".。

Food safety management has a long way to go, is a comprehensive, long-term work, in peacetime, emphasis on implementation, you insist。In the future, the school will continue to pay close attention to food quality and safety as its own responsibility, standardize and fine canteen safety management work, tighten the "food safety string", always keep food safety in mind, grasp in hand, implement in action, establish a solid defensive line barrier, and strive to escort the food health and safety of teachers and students!

School logistics department, security department, canteen staff to attend this meeting。