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Ministry of Education Party group "People's Daily" article: Build the foundation of building a strong education country

Education is the great plan of the state and the Party;Teachers are the foundation of education and the source of education。During his visit to Renmin University of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "To train socialist builders and successors, it is urgent for our teachers to be proficient in professional knowledge and do a good job as' Confucian teachers', but also to cultivate moral virtues and become 'human teachers', and strive to be the unification of' Confucian teachers' and 'human teachers' who are skilled in' preaching and teaching and solving doubts'.。On the new journey of accelerating the construction of a high-quality education system and building an education power, creating a team of high-quality professional basic education teachers is crucial to running basic education and even the entire national education。Not long ago, the Ministry of Education and other departments issued the "New Era Basic Education Strong Teacher Plan"。This is an important measure to meet the requirements of education modernization and building an education powerhouse, and to implement the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council on Comprehensively Deepening the Reform of the Construction of Teachers in the New Era。The plan for strengthening teachers in basic education, together with the construction of teachers' ideology, politics and ethics, the revitalization of teacher education, the cultivation of "double teachers" in vocational education, the deepening of the reform of the construction of college teachers, and the promotion of teachers' status and treatment have formed a set of "construction drawings" that comprehensively cultivate "four good teachers".。We must deeply understand the extreme importance of building a strong team of basic education teachers, promote the implementation of this plan, and build a solid foundation for the construction of a strong education country by strengthening teachers in basic education。

Deeply grasp the importance of strengthening the construction of basic education teachers in the new era

To cultivate socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor, and the basic support for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Teachers are the engineers of the human soul, the inheritors of human civilization, carrying the burden of disseminating knowledge, disseminating ideas, disseminating truth, shaping souls, shaping lives, and shaping new people.。Basic education is in a basic and leading position in the national education system, and it is the foundation project of moral cultivation。It is necessary to strengthen teachers through basic education, build a team of teachers who will not forget the original intention of cultivating people by virtue, bear in mind the mission of educating people for the Party and the country, train socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor, and provide basic support for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。

The key lies in cultivating top-notch innovative talents and building an important talent center and innovation highland in the world。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The more The Times go forward, the importance of knowledge and talent becomes more prominent, and the status and role of education becomes more prominent.。In today's world, science and technology are advancing rapidly, and international competition is becoming increasingly fierce。In the face of the overall strategic situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the profound changes unseen in the world in a century, the need for education, scientific knowledge and outstanding personnel for the development of the cause of the Party and the country is more urgent than ever before。Basic education is the starting point of talent training and the beginning of helping to build a world important talent center and innovation highland。It is necessary to build a team of high-quality professional and innovative teachers based on the policy of strengthening teachers in basic education, cultivate the innovative consciousness, innovative ability and innovative literacy of young students, and lay a solid foundation for creating a large number of top-notch innovative talents。

The fundamental premise of promoting the modernization of education and building a powerful country in education。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Adhere to the construction of teachers as a basic work。The team of basic education teachers is the direct relying force for the popularization of high-quality preschool education, the realization of high-quality and balanced compulsory education, the full popularization of senior high school education, and the enjoyment of suitable education for children and adolescents with disabilities。We should strengthen teachers through basic education,Speed up the construction of teachers' ideological and political construction, teacher ethics construction, professional capacity construction mutually promote the construction of a new pattern of teachers,We will promote the coordinated development of the number, quality and structure of teachers,It will lay a solid foundation for building a modern education system that serves lifelong learning for all, improving the service capacity of vocational education, and enhancing the competitiveness of higher education。

We are an important guarantee for meeting the people's needs for a better life and providing satisfactory education。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "A person meets a good teacher is lucky in life, a school has a good teacher is the glory of the school, and a nation's continuous emergence of a batch of good teachers is the hope of the nation.。In the new era, the people have a stronger demand for high-quality education resources and look forward to fairer and higher quality education。We should strengthen teachers through basic education,Build a team of high-quality teachers,To realize home-school collaboration education,To achieve students' all-round personality development,We will build a high-quality and balanced system of basic public education services,Meet people's expectations,Improve people's well-being,To meet the needs of the people from "learning" to "learning" for a better life。

We will accelerate the construction of a team of high-quality professional basic education teachers who will reassure the Party and satisfy the people

With the construction of ideological politics and ethics as the first priority, further improve the quality of teachers' ideological politics and ethics。Insist that educators receive education first, integrate Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era into teacher training and training courses, guide teachers to deeply understand the decisive significance of "two affirmations", strengthen "four consciousness", "four self-confidence", and achieve "two maintenance".。Promote the cultivation and cultivation of teachers' ethics on a regular basis,We will promote the development of bases for teachers' ethics and ethics,Innovative teacher ethics education methods,We will improve the system of teacher honors and commendations,Teachers' ethics and style should be regarded as the first standard to evaluate the quality of teachers,We will implement the ten Guidelines on Professional Conduct for kindergarten and primary and secondary school teachers in the new era,Guide teachers to adhere to the "four phases of unity",Strive to be "four good teachers",Be the "four guides",Build a team of teachers with firm ideals and convictions, strong ideological and political qualities, and noble moral sentiments。

Take the innovation of teacher education model as a breakthrough to further improve the quality and ability of teachers。We will implement a plan to cultivate high-quality teachers, reform the training model, and increase efforts to train masters of education。Improve the content of teacher education, timely absorb the cutting-edge knowledge of disciplines, new curriculum reform and the latest achievements of education research, pay attention to mental health education, home-school collaborative education, integrated education implementation, science education quality improvement, digital literacy improvement, etc。Deepen the reform of precision training, innovate the teacher training model, implement the online and offline mixed training model, improve the independent learning selection mechanism for teacher training, and build a "flyover" connecting teacher training and academic education.。The "National Training Plan" has been implemented to demonstrate and lead the training of all teachers in all localities。We will strive to create an institutional environment for educators to stand out, give full play to the radiating role of famous teachers and principals, and bring up a group of educators and big teachers in the field of basic education to lead the reform and development of education。

Guided by deepening the reform of teacher management, the governance level of teachers will be further improved。We will deepen the reform of teachers' professional titles, improve the evaluation criteria for teachers' professional titles, and implement classified evaluation。We will improve the post management system and appropriately increase the proportion of middle and senior posts。To implement the autonomy of schools in running schools, qualified schools independently evaluate and recruit middle and junior titles and posts according to standards within the scope of the proportion of job structure, and encourage local governments to explore the independent evaluation and recruitment of senior titles and posts by qualified schools within the scope of the proportion of job structure。We will effectively reduce the burden of non-educational teaching and safeguard the professional dignity of teachers。Optimize the staff staffing allocation management, tap potential innovation to strengthen the management of primary and secondary school staff, strengthen the dynamic adjustment of personnel and staffing, and constantly improve the efficiency of staffing。We will strengthen the management of teachers' salary guarantees, fully implement the requirement that the average salary of compulsory education teachers be no lower than the average salary of local civil servants, raise the teaching age allowance, improve the performance evaluation methods for primary and secondary school teachers, and constantly make the teaching profession more attractive。

We will further improve the balanced allocation of teachers, focusing on the underdeveloped central and western regions and rural areas。We will implement the targeted training program for excellent teachers in the underdeveloped central and western regions, and rely on normal universities directly under the Ministry of Education and high-level local normal colleges to train undergraduate normal students in 832 poverty-stricken counties and land border counties in the central and western regions, with the goal of training about 100 high-quality teachers in each county by 2035。We will deepen the reform of "county management and recruitment of schools", improve the incentive mechanism for exchange rotation and volunteer teaching and lecturers, focus on strengthening the flow of outstanding urban teachers and principals to rural schools and weak schools, and expand the coverage of high-quality resources。We will implement the policy of living allowances for rural teachers, and strive to improve the status and treatment of rural teachers, so as to form a pattern of "the more remote the school, the more difficult the conditions, the longer the teaching time, the higher the salary of teachers.。We will strengthen the construction of temporary dormitories for rural teachers, support local governments in improving the housing security system, increase the supply of low-income housing, and solve the housing difficulties faced by teachers。

To promote the application of information technology as a starting point, further promote the construction of teachers to improve quality and efficiency。With the general requirements of "application is king, service first, concise and efficient, and safe operation", we firmly promote the strategic actions of education digitalization, accelerate the construction of teachers' digital learning platform, and rely on the development of national teacher training projects and the selection of high-quality resources to serve the majority of teachers。Vigorously promote the digital governance of the teaching team, promote the interconnection of management systems such as normal university students, teachers, and teacher qualifications, support the access and inquiry of faculty and staff, promote the in-depth application of relevant management systems, and provide information decision-making and convenient service support for the construction of the teaching team。Strengthen the security protection of information system to ensure the information security of teachers。We will carry out pilot actions to boost the construction of teachers with artificial intelligence,Explore new paths and models of artificial intelligence to promote teacher management optimization, teacher education reform, education and teaching method innovation, and education precise assistance,Explore and give play to the role of teachers in the integration of artificial intelligence and education,Use new technology to empower teachers and reduce their burden。

We will strengthen the implementation guarantee and effectively implement the plan for strengthening teachers in basic education in the new era

Strengthen system building。Through the implementation of education to promote the country, focus on the construction of a number of national normal education bases。Through measures such as the establishment of standards, project pulling, transformation and reform, various localities are encouraged to build and improve the system of teacher development institutions within the province, and build an open, collaborative and interconnected modern teacher education system with normal colleges as the main body, high-level comprehensive universities participating, teacher development institutions as the link, and high-quality primary and secondary schools as the practice bases。

Carry out pilot reform。We will encourage and support overall planning by local governments,Relevant departments cooperate closely,Universities, teacher development institutions, primary and secondary schools, etc,We carried out pilot reforms to improve the ranks of regional teachers,We will vigorously promote reforms in key areas such as normal university student training, education and teaching, teacher professional development, and teacher personnel management,Open up teacher training, use, management and development system,Fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of teachers,Create experiences that can be replicated and replicated。

Deepen evaluation reform。We should improve the evaluation of normal colleges and universities, take the good normal education as the first responsibility, and train qualified teachers as the main assessment index。The implementation of ordinary higher education professional certification, leading the development of normal professional characteristics, the pursuit of excellence。Explore the establishment of a teacher education "double first-class" construction evaluation mechanism, give play to the role of evaluation baton, and promote the continuous improvement of talent training quality。

Strengthen coordination and cooperation。We will implement a coordinated plan to improve the quality of normal education, focus on helping weak normal colleges in less developed areas in the form of clusters, and raise the overall level of teacher education。Through the collaborative support of normal colleges, build a number of county-level teacher development institutions, support the post-service development of teachers with high-quality college resources, improve the pre-service teacher training with the "feeding" needed for post-service development of teachers, and support the training and lifelong development of high-quality teachers throughout the chain。

Everyone's growth is inseparable from the company of basic education teachers。To care for and strengthen the construction of basic education teachers is to care about the growth of children and to hold up the hope of families。We must implement the "New Era Basic Education Strong Teacher Plan" with high quality.,Continuously optimize the environment for teachers to teach with peace of mind, enthusiasm, comfort and meditation,Enhance their sense of happiness, accomplishment, and honor,So that they can follow the characteristics and rules of adolescent growth,Solid basic education article,For the Party and the country, a steady stream of socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor。